Legal Trouble for Milwaukee Brewers' Owner

Legal Trouble for Milwaukee Brewers' Owner

Mark Attanasio, the owner of the Milwaukee Brewers, is embroiled in a legal controversy that could have significant implications for his reputation and Malibu's coastal management practices. Attanasio is facing serious allegations in a lawsuit that accuses him of unlawfully sourcing sand from Malibu's Broad Beach for personal use on his private property.

The lawsuit claims that Attanasio has been transporting the sand for a construction project, leading to accusations of public and private nuisance, as well as violations of the California Coastal Act.

Neighbor Dispute

The dispute takes on an additional layer of complexity due to the involvement of James Kohlberg, the son of Jerome Kohlberg, whose property is in close proximity to Attanasio's. This neighborhood conflict has brought heightened scrutiny to the case.

Attanasio's trouble began in March when he secured permits to repair a damaged section of his seawall. However, what followed in June and July has become the focal point of the lawsuit. Excavators were reportedly seen dragging sand from Broad Beach to Attanasio's private property, an act that has not gone unnoticed by the Malibu community.

An excerpt from the lawsuit passionately outlines the core of the controversy: "This case is about a private property owner using a public beach as their own personal sandbox and the disturbing conversion of a public natural resource (i.e., sand from Broad Beach) for a nearby homeowner's personal, private use." This sentence encapsulates the public's outrage and the seriousness of the allegations levied against Attanasio.

High Stakes

Attanasio, who purchased his Broad Beach home for $23 million in 2007, now finds himself in a complex legal battle. The implications of this lawsuit extend beyond personal ramifications and could have lasting effects on Malibu's coastal regulatory practices.

As both sides prepare to present their evidence and arguments in the coming weeks, all eyes will be on the courtroom proceedings. The outcome not only holds significant consequences for Attanasio's standing in the sports world but also within the Malibu community.

While Attanasio's legal team works to defend his actions, Malibu residents and environmental advocates closely monitor the situation. The case may set a precedent for how coastal resource exploitation is managed moving forward. For now, the Brewers' owner must navigate these troubled waters, balancing his responsibilities in the sports realm with the ongoing legal challenges he faces at home.